Automated Return of Unpaid Direct Debits Report (1016)
0 – Refer to Payer
- Circumstances: A Payer’s bank is not in a position to pay the direct debit; (for some reason other than the exceptions); The service of a Garnishee Order or Arrestment on the Payer’s account, bankruptcy, liquidation or appointment of receiver.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User may represent up to one month from the original processing day – it is recommended that the Payer is notified of this five working days in advance of the representation. Service User will need to establish from the Payer the reason for the non-payment and likelihood of payment upon representation.
1 – Instruction Cancelled
- Circumstances: Instruction cancelled by the Payer or their bank.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User must liaise with the Payer to agree the payment method for collection of any outstanding funds.
2 – Payer Deceased
- Reason: Payer deceased.
3 – Account Transferred
- Circumstances: Account transferred to another Bank/Building Society.
- Special Instruction / Information: New Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) to be obtained from Payer, collection must be suspended until new DDI set up and Advance Notice issued to the Payer.
4 – Advance Notice Disputed
- Circumstances: Payer disputes time, amount or frequency of Advance Notice and has requested single payment to be countermanded.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User should not collect further Direct Debits until it has resolved the dispute with the Payer.
5 – No Account (OR Wrong Account Type)
- Circumstances: Account Number is not recognised at the Paying Banks.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User should check DDI information and / or liaise with Payer.
6 – No Instruction
- Circumstances: No instruction held at Paying Bank.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User should check DDI information and / or liaise with Payer and if appropriate obtain new instruction.
7 – Amount Differs
- Circumstances: Payer states the amount of the Direct Debit differs from the amount in any existing fixed Instruction or Advance Notice to the Payer.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User should not collect further Direct Debits until it has resolved the dispute with the Payer.
8 – Amount Not Yet Due
- Circumstances: Payer states date of debiting is in advance of the due date specified in any existing fixed DDI or Advance Notice to the Payer.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User should not collect further Direct Debits until it has resolved the dispute with the Payer.
9 – Presentation Overdue
- Circumstances: Payer states date of Direct Debit Collection is more than three working days after due date on fixed DDI or Advance Notice to Payer OR Re-presentation of Unpaid Direct Debit is more than one months from original Direct Debit processing day.
- Special Instruction / Information: Service User must give further Advance Notice to the Payer before Direct Debit is collected.
A – Service User Differs
- Circumstances: Identity of Service User differs from DDI.
- Special Instructions / Information: The Service User should ensure that the Direct Debit Collections have been submitted against the correct SUN and / or Originating Bank Account.
B – Account Closed
- Circumstances: Payer has closed their account for an unknown reason.
- Special Instruction / Information: If Direct Debit is to continue the Service User must obtain a new DDI for a difference / new account.
Updated over 1 year ago