
Drive as a Windows service


This section is only applicable to Drive versions below 6.0. To find out what version of Drive you are using, see the section Checking Drive version.

There are two ways to set up the Windows service:

  • Click the bat file drive-windows-service.bat or
  • From a command prompt, navigate to the install directory for Drive (default path C:\Drive, then execute the bat file drive-windows-service.bat.

A command widow opens, and a sequence of prompts are displayed, allowing the user to specify non default Drive parameters which are captured in the settings.xml file (described in the section Configuration). The process is then installed as a Windows service with the name Drive and started. If the service is seen to immediately stop, ensure that a payment profile is available, and restart the service.

As a default, any new Windows service will take the local system permissions. If data is being collected over a network share, the logon user for the Windows service may require elevated permissions.

As a Windows service, Drive is configured to start up automatically when the PC reboots.

Start Drive as a Windows Service

Starting the Drive Windows service can be initiated in three different ways:

  • Navigate to the Drive install directory and double click on the batch file start-drive-windowsservice.
  • Run a Windows command prompt and navigate to the Drive install directory and execute the batch file named start-drive-windows-service.
  • Navigate to the Windows Services functionality and use the pre-programmed start tool.

Stop Drive as a Windows Service

Stopping the Drive Windows service can be initiated in three different ways:

  • Navigate to the Drive install directory and double click on the batch file named stop-drive-windowsservice.
  • Run a Windows command prompt and navigate to the Drive install directory and execute the batch file named stop-drive-windows-service.
  • Navigate to the Windows Services functionality and use the pre-programmed stop tool.

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