
User management

It is good practice to regularly review users’ access in the system and when users leave the company, make sure you delete them – they will remain visible but show as deleted in the user section. If you’d like a user to be permanently removed then please contact the Support Team.

This section will take you through the required steps for managing your system’s user accounts. As an Administrator you will have the ability to add new users to your company, edit user information, delete user accounts and reset passwords.


When you are setting up users for the first time you will need to give them a role. Roles enable you to set up a user’s permissions on payment profiles in the system. See the section Setting up roles for more details.

Add a new user

  1. From the settings menu ('cog' icon), select Users.
  1. Click on New User.

  2. You must enter at a minimum a First name, Last name and Email address.


    Email address is the key identifier for users and can be entered one time only.

  1. Optionally you can enter their Job title, Office phone and Mobile phone.

  2. Under Two-Step verification token select Hardware for an MFA Key Fob, or Mobile App to use the Mobile Application.

    Please remember to request additional key fobs by contacting the Support Team. Click on Have you requested hardware tokens? for details.

  3. You can select the Role from the drop down menu.

  4. You can tick the Administrator option if you wish this user to have access to the Settings menu. The Settings menu enables an administrator of the system to view the set up and configuration in the system as well as reset passwords for other users. The Settings menu provides access to payment profile information and Service User Numbers set up in the system, create users and roles and view company audit.

  5. Click Save user.

  6. This will email the user a link to activate their account by setting their own password security questions.

Delete an existing user

  1. From the settings menu ('cog' icon) select Users.
  1. Click View next to the user you wish to delete.

  2. Click Delete user.

  1. The User will still appear in the Users screen, but the status of that user will have changed to Deleted.

Edit an existing user

  1. From the settings menu ('cog' icon) select Users.
  2. Click View next to the user you wish to edit.
  3. You are then able to change any of the fields present.
  4. You are also able to click on the Notifications. You may then tick and untick the notifications you wish this user to receive from the system.
  1. If you make any changes click Save changes.

Resetting a user’s password

  1. From the settings menu ('cog' icon) select Users.

  2. Click View next to the user you wish to edit.

  3. Click Reset password.

  4. If you are ok to proceed, click Yes.

  1. This will send an email to the user where they will need to click on the link to set a new password and security questions.

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