

When drive-windows-service.bat is executed, either when Drive is first installed or later to rebuild the configuration, you will be prompted for the following information:

ItemDescriptionAvailable from version
Base application URLThis is the instance of Drive you’re connecting to. Clicking enter will select the default URL (
Unless Disaster Recovery (DR) has been invoked and Autopay Online Plus is running from an alternative location, the default should always be chosen.
User email addressThis is the user email id used when setting up the Drive user (see Creating a user).All
User PasswordThe password associated with the specified user account.

Note: This will be taken one time, encrypted and stored in the local settings.xml file.
Archive folder for uploaded
By entering a specified directory, Drive will attempt to archive all processed files into the set location on upload to Autopay Online Plus.
If the directory is not set (default value), then Drive will archive files into a sub-directory within the watch folder, labelled Uploaded.
Drive log locationThe directory for the log files.6.0.1
Logs prefixThe prefix for the log files.6.0.1
Drive auto delete log files in daysThe number of days after which Drive will automatically delete log files.6.0.1
Drive log LevelThe applicable log levels for Drive are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. The default log level is INFO. If log level is set to DEBUG you will see log messages of level DEBUG and above.

Note: All logging levels other than ERROR, will require more disk
Drive poll intervalThe number of seconds the drive should wait before checking the watch folder for any other files ready for upload.All
Drive delay file processingThe number of seconds Drive will wait for processing new files.

If this value is set to 0, then Drive will process the files as soon as they are seen in the watch folder. If Delay Time is set to be greater than zero, Drive will compare the modified time of the file with current system time and only process the file if current system time and file modified time is greater than the Delay Time.
Drive offline intervalIf Autopay Online Plus is taken offline for maintenance, instead of drive stopping it will wait for the configured period and then attempt the connection again.2.0.0
Drive auto refresh profile
If specified and greater than 0, Drive will auto refresh the payment profile settings at the configured intervals. The default value is 0 hours, which disables the auto refresh intervals. The valid ranges are between every 1 hour to every 24 hours.2.0.0
Report collection frequencyThe frequency that Drive will export Bacs messages. The default value is 2 hours. Valid values are 1 or 2 hours.3.2.3
Bacs Report Folder to
download the bacs
Drive will attempt to export Bacs reports (Bacs messages and submission reports) into the specified folder. If not specified, Bacs reports will be exported to a sub-folder under the Drive installation folder.

Bacs messages are exported into a sub-folder called bacs-messages and submission reports are exported into a sub-folder called submission-reports.
Single App InstanceSet to true or false. If set to false, then allows running two instances of Drive.
Note: Second instance must be added manually.
Convert Bacs XML reports to CSVThe format of the exported reports can be updated by editing the CSV templates (XSL files) in the directory \csv-templates.

Note: Care must be taken when making changes to the templates because an invalid format will result in failure to convert the reports.
Blocked Folder to store blocked files due to unsupported file extensionsFolder to store files blocked due to having an unsupported extension.5.0.1
Auto refresh Deny List interval in hourThe frequency that Drive will automatically refresh the list of blocked file extensions.5.0.1

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