Bacs reports (messages)
Bacs is the scheme responsible for the clearing and settlement of UK payments for Direct Debits.
Each payment sent within Autopay Online Plus will be processed by Bacs. Should any Direct Debit payment fail, a report will be made available to you within the solution.
It’s important that you check the Bacs reports regularly in the days following making your payment. The reports are available on the payment date or in the next two working days. It’s your responsibility to take any action advised on the reports within three working days of these being generated by Bacs, to remain compliant with the scheme rules.
Report types
The types of reports are listed below:
Input report
- Confirmation of the submitted payment file that is made available on the day of input (day 1).
- There are no actions to take on this report, this is submission confirmation only.
Arrival report
- Confirmation of the submitted payment file that is made available on the day of input (day 1).
- There are no actions to take on this report, this is submission confirmation only.
ARUCS report - Automated Return of Unapplied Credit Service
- The ARUCS report details why a payment has not been applied and is made available in the system on the payment date or in the next two working days.
AWACS report - Advice of Wrong Account for Automated Credits Service
- The AWACS report provides notification of any changes to beneficiary’s bank details. This enables you to make required updates prior to your next payment submission. The AWACS report is made available in the system on the payment date or during the two following working days.
ARUDD report - Advice of Unpaid Direct Debits
- The ARUDD report details Direct Debits that have been returned unpaid and the reason why.
- The ARUDD report is made available in the system on the payment date, (the date that the direct debit should have been taken), or during the two following working days.
ADDACS report – Advice of Direct Debit Amendments and Cancellations
- The ADDACS report details any amendments or cancellation to a mandate or Direct Debit Instruction held with the destination bank or payer.
- The ADDACS report is made available in the system at any time, in line with Bacs scheme rules.
AUDDIS report - Automated Direct Debit Instruction Service
- The AUDDIS report details Direct Debit mandates that have been returned due to failure on setup or amendments and the reason why.
- The AUDDIS report is made available in the system on the payment date or during the two following working days.
DDICA report - Direct Debit Indemnity Claim Advice
- Report that details pending refund of direct debit collections that a payer has stated with their bank that has been collected either in error or not authorised; under the scheme rules of the Direct Debit Guarantee.
- The Service User has 14 working days from report generation to make a counter-claim if valid, else on the 15th working day, the destination bank will automatically settle the claim; debiting the service user account.
- Refer to Section 7A of The Service User’s Guide and Rules to the Direct Scheme.
Withdrawal report
- Withdrawal report details a payment file that has been requested to Bacs to be stopped from processing. These are generated on the day, or next working day from the withdrawal occurring. This confirms that the withdrawal of the payment file has taken place.
DDIC report
- DDIC Challenge and Response Report (1225) - Ad hoc challenge and response audit trail report for Service Users
- DDIC Requests Report (1226) - Service User In Progress Challenge and Response Report.
- DDIC Challenge Audit Report (1227) - Service User In Progress Reason Code 7 Requests Report.
Updated 9 months ago
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