

Automated Direct Debit Instruction Service – Bank Return DDI (7002)

1 – Instruction Cancelled by Payer

  • Circumstances: Payer has instructed Paying Bank to cancel DDI.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User must liaise with the Payer to agree the payment method for collection of any outstanding funds.

2 – Payer Deceased

  • Reason: Payer deceased.
  • Special Instruction / Information: The DDI is marked as cancelled at source.

3 – Account Transferred

  • Circumstances: Account transferred to another Bank / Building Society.
  • Special Instruction / Information: New DDI to be obtained from the Payer. Collection must be suspended until new DDI set-up and Advance Notice issued to the Payer.

5 – No Account

  • Circumstances: Account number is not recognised at the Paying Bank.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should check Direct Debit information and / or liaise with the Payer.

6 – No Instruction

  • Circumstances: Does not exist on the Paying Bank’s database.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should check Direct Debit information and / or liaise with the Payer and send a 0N when resolved.

7 – DDI Amount Not Zero

  • Circumstance: Validation has detected field 8 not zero or blank space filled.
  • Special Instruction / Information: PT-X does not accept any data without this upon entry by default.

B – Account Closed

  • Circumstances: Payer has closed their account for an unknown reason.
  • Special Instruction / Information: If the Direct Debit is to continue the Service User must obtain a new DDI for a different / new account.

C – Account Transferred to another Bank / Building Society

  • Circumstances: New account details supplied to the Service User by the Paying Bank.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should apply change to data file and continue with Direct Debit collections. An 0C / 0N pair must not be sent on receipt of this message.

F – Invalid Account Type

  • Circumstances: The Paying Bank does not allow Direct Debits on this type of account.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User will need to obtain new account details from the Payer. The Direct Debit cannot be applied.

G – Bank Will Not Accept Direct Debits on Account

  • Circumstances: The Paying Bank does not allow Direct Debits on this account.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User must liaise with the Payer and obtain a new DDI for a different / new account.

H – Instruction Has Expired

  • Circumstances: Occurs when a Service User attempts to convert a DDI which is shown as expired on the Paying Bank’s database.
  • Special Instruction / Information: A 0N will be required to re-activate this DDI if the collections are to resume. Service User must ensure they have the Payer’s authorisation to collect under expired Instruction.

I – Payer Reference Number is Not Unique

  • Circumstances: The Paying Bank has matched the DDI to an existing DDI with a similar reference that has more or fewer characters.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should allocate a different reference and lodge DDI, again using 0N.

K – Instruction Cancelled by Paying Bank

  • Circumstances: Paying Bank has cancelled the DDI.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User cannot collect via Direct Debit on this account. If the Direct Debit is to continue the Service User must obtain a new DDI for a new account.

L – Incorrect Payer’s Account Details

  • Circumstances:
    – The sort code / account number has failed the modulus check
    – The sort code does not exist
    – The account number is not all numeric or is all zeros
    – The account type is invalid

  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should undertake sort code validation and modulus checking prior to sending the DDI transactions to Bacs or, if already doing so, should ensure that they are using the latest version.

M – Transaction Code / User Status Incompatible

  • Circumstances: Transaction codes which are allowed whilst in this status have been sent.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User has sent ‘0S’ DDI transactions after being set to a ‘LIVE’ status on the Bacs masters files. Service User should re-submit transactions with ‘0N’ as the transaction code.

N – Transaction Disallowed at Payer’s Branch

  • Circumstances: This code will be returned where the paying banks have expressly disallowed the set up of DDIs at the branch in filed 1 of the transaction (Sort code).
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should refer back to their payer and obtain a DDI for a different / new account.

O – Invalid Reference

  • Circumstances: The reference in field 10 of the DDI record does not comply with the AUDDIS rules.
  • Special Instruction/ Information: Service User should ensure that references meet the rules of the AUDDIS service.

P – Payer’s Name Not Present

  • Circumstances: Validation has detected field 11 is blank. A payer’s name should always be entered.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should correct the record and re-submit.

Q – Service Users Name is Blank

  • Circumstances: Validation has detected field 9 is blank. The Service Users company or trading name should always be entered.
  • Special Instruction / Information: Service User should correct the record and re-submit.

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